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Development of Beacon-based Intelligent Pet Co-found System
作者 楊瑞賓黃彥翰吳青容蘇郁修左佩潔鄭芳宜
現今社會人口高齡化以及少子化的時代,民眾透過養寵物的方式取代過往人與人之間的陪伴,隨著上述現象普及,相關的問題隨之產生。透過問卷調查,最常發生的問題以寵物走失為主。每年或多或少會發生寵物走失的狀況,寵物尋找的方式不外乎透過走失貓狗網站登記、張貼走失海報或是透過人力尋找等方式。相較於傳統的寵物走失尋找方式,本論文透過科技導入,以快速和安全的方式來尋找走失的寵物。在系統開發方面,以Android APP作為使用介面,Android Studio作為整合開發環境以及Firebase作為資料庫,最後導入Beacon技術來做寵物資訊推播,達到走失寵物協尋。首先使用者下載智慧寵物協尋系統的APP,然後註冊帳號密碼以及登錄藍芽裝置對應的使用者資訊,完成之後幫寵物穿戴藍芽裝置即完成。如果寵物走失時透過APP完成寵物走失登記,一旦其他使用者開啟APP的走失協尋功能,即可以尋找附近是否有被登記的走失寵物。透過無線藍芽尋找方式,可以不用直接接觸到走失寵物,因此可以避免被咬傷或抓傷的風險,以及提高走失寵物確認率。透過智慧寵物協尋系統,可以大幅提高走失寵物的尋回率。當寵物沒有登記走失時,其他使用者無法搜尋使用者的相關資訊,保障使用者的隱私。
"Most people raise pets in order to achieve companionship. With the popularization of this phenomenon, related problems occur. The most common problem is pet lost. The general ways include registration on the lost pet website, lost posters, or manpower search. Compared with the traditional search methods, this paper uses technology to find lost pets in a fast and safe way. In terms of development, the operating system is Android and we adopt Android Studio as integrated development environment. Moreover, we use Firebase as the database. Finally, we use Beacon technology for broadcasting of pet information. First of all, the users download the APP of the intelligent pet co-found system and then they register accounts accompanying with bluetooth device information. After registrations, they put the bluetooth devices on their pets. When a lost pet was announced, the other users can use the APP to go through the lost assistance search. It means that they can find whether there is a registered lost pet nearby. By using bluetooth, you do not have to directly contact the lost pet, so you can avoid the risk of being bitten or scratched and improve the confirmation rate of the lost pet. Through intelligent pet co-found system, the recovery rate of lost pets can be greatly improved."
起訖頁 275-284
關鍵詞 信標寵物協尋系統藍芽應用程式BeaconPet Co-found SystemBluetoothAPP
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 共享網路平台設計與行銷之研究
該期刊-下一篇 人類發展指數作為評估各國經濟真實發展水準指標




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