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Exploring the relationship between leadership behavior and job performance from a practical point of view - taking organizational culture as an intervene variable
作者 李建中盛約瑟
進入21 世紀後,發生多起全球性經濟重大事件,由2007 年美國次級房貸風暴、2008 年美次級房貸引發全球金融風暴、2009 年歐洲主權債務危機、2018 年迄今的中美貿易戰爭及2019 年底至今的新冠肺炎,造成全球產業經濟衰退。面對快速變遷的經濟局勢,關鍵就在「人」,企業績效有賴組織成員努力達成,當領導者有效運用領導行為,整合組織成員力量,即可面對環境挑戰,提升組織績效。本研究探討,組織文化對領導行為與工作績效的干擾效果,及其子構面,在領導行為與工作績效中的影響性。以台灣地區20 歲以上工作者為樣本對象,總計收回435 份有效樣本,包含紙本問卷與線上問卷,研究方法,包含描述性統計分析、項目分析、信度分析、KMO 及巴特雷(Bar t let t )檢定、迴歸分析,以 SPSS 25V 軟體進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,組織文化確實在領導行為與工作績效中間具有干擾效果,以及組織文化中的子構面層級組織文化,其影響性大於其他子構面。
"After entering 21st century, there have been many major economic events around the world, make global economic recession. Faced with the rapidly changing economic situation, the key is 'people.' When leaders efficient use leadership behavior and integrating the strength of organization members, then can face environmental challenges and improve organizational performance. This study explores the moderating effect of organizational culture on leadership behavior and job performance, and influence of its sub-factors on leadership behavior and work performance. Taking Taiwanese employee over the age of 20 as the sample object, a total of 435 effective samples size were collected, including paper questionnaires and online questionnaires, research methods, including descriptive statistical analysis, item analysis, reliability analysis, KMO and bartlett sphericity test , regression analysis, data analysis by SPSS 25V . The research results show that organizational culture does have an intervene effect between leadership behavior and job performance, and the hierarchy organizational culture is more influence than other sub-factors."
起訖頁 187-198
關鍵詞 領導行為組織文化工作績效Leadership behaviorOrganization cultureJob performance
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 遊客的知覺價值、幸福感與重遊意願關係之研究──以東勢林場為例
該期刊-下一篇 二手樂器交易平台行銷企劃之研究




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