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Research on Establishing and Validating Chinese Irony Recognition Models by Deep Learning - the Case of 2020 Taiwan Presidential Candidate’s Fan Page Corpus on FaceBook
作者 吳肇銘莊英讓
"Due to the troll-culture on the Internet, many netizens often express their opinions in an “irony” way. As Internet opinion mining and sentiment analysis have gradually been widely used in Internet for many fields, “irony recognition” has become more urgent, because the expression of “irony” will lead to misjudgments in the sentiment analysis. At present, there are few relevant researches on Chinese irony recognition, and the corpus is insufficient, which makes it difficult to carry out the Chinese irony recognition task effectively. Therefore, this research collected comments from the fan page of the 2020 presidential election candidates by web crawler. Through filtering by rules and manual marking, 1,055 ironic texts are obtained, a Chinese irony corpus is built, and three irony recognitions models are trained and proposed for comparison. The experimental results show that these three models have good performances in precision, recall, and F1 ratio. The overall recognition accuracy of each models can reach more than 86%, which is helpful for Chinese irony recognition and reduces the problem of distortion of irony texts in sentiment analysis."
起訖頁 66-80
關鍵詞 反諷辨識深度學習情感分析機器學習Irony DetectionDeep LearningSentiment AnalysisMachine Learning
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
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