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Research on Marketing Planning of Customized Clothing Design Platform
作者 趙麗萍樊祖燁 (Tsu-Yeh Fan)徐鳳臨陳柔伊
"台灣LINE 的用戶超過2,100 萬人,是使用密度最高的通訊軟體,而貼圖又是LINE 三大最常使用的功能。一些LINE 貼圖的玩偶已成為家喻戶曉的寵物,許多印有這些圖像的玩偶或服裝爭相上市,也獲得大量消費者的喜愛。現代人講求自我的風格,因此客製化產品大行其道,尤其是穿著的服裝,消費者都希望能穿出自我的特色。本研究有鑑於上述的現象,以App 為介面設計出了「客製化服裝設計平台」,讓消費者先選擇喜歡的LINE 貼圖,再選擇平台上所提供的服裝樣版,透過平台上的編輯軟體,自行設計服裝。待消費者確定並付款後,平台透過電子資料交換系統將參數傳送至平台特約廠商製作服裝完成後,再透過物流寄送。本研究希望透過這個平台的建置與行銷策略擬定,滿足消費者個人化的獨特服裝需求。透過本平台的建置與創新商業模式設計,希望能提高台灣文創產業的發展與成衣製作的產值。"
"Taiwan’s LINE App has more than 21 million users and is the most densely used communication software. Stickers are one of the three most frequently used functions of LINE. Some dolls with LINE stickers have become household pets, and many dolls or clothing with these doll designs are popular in the market. Modern people pay attention to their own clothing style, so customized products have become popular. In view of the above phenomenon, this research designed a 'customized clothing design platform' with the App as the interface. This allows consumers to choose and edit their favorite LINE stickers onto the custom clothing samples provided on the platform. After the consumer confirms and makes the payment, the platform transmits the parameters to their authorized manufacturer through the electronic data exchange system and then sends it through logistics. This research hopes to meet consumers' personalized and unique clothing needs through the establishment of this platform and the formulation of marketing strategies. The establishment of this platform and the design of innovative business models aims to increase development of Taiwan's cultural and creative industry and the output value of clothing."
起訖頁 15-31
關鍵詞 LINE電子商務客製化商業模式電子資料交換LINEe-commercecustomizedbusiness modelEDI
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 電子射擊遊戲中動機和遠距臨場感效果相關性之研究
該期刊-下一篇 Discovering Unobserved Heterogeneity for Donors An exploration of new market segmentation by FIMIX-PLS




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