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A Case Study of the Youths Who Moved to Taiwan on the Mainland Around 1949
作者 易君常黃迺毓
"How would a man with a few memories of his father become a good father himself? How would generations of people who migrated to Taiwan due to the war, distribute their resources after they became husbands and fathers? This study presents the fathering experience of a 90-year-old, who was a young man when he migrated from China to Taiwan in 1949. Adopting the qualitative approach; using semi-structured interviews and observation of the interaction between father and child; collecting data; and conducting thematic analysis, the study presents the following results. (1) The interviewee regarded marriage, family, and childrearing as necessary life stages. Establishing a family and a business represents the accomplishment of the ultimate values of life. However, leaving home at a young age lead to an ambiguous impression of fathering from his own father. In this regard, the beliefs and attitudes of the mother, respected educators, and the wife largely influence fathering style. (2) During the war, the interviewee was young, energetic, and ambitious. In addition, he did not expect a long period of separation from his family. In the phase of moving away from home and travelling overseas, the desire to reproduce was reinforced. Therefore, the interviewee was motivated to pursue education to obtain stable resources. This stage is the first in terms of accumulating fatherhood-related resources. He did not consider this situation as the most depressing period in his lifetime. When faced with important matters, spouse and faith became his primary support. (3) The fathering of the interviewee differed through the accumulation of experiences of affection, behavior, and cognition. Without a clear concept of source management, the interactive support of personal, interpersonal, and contextual resources assisted his fathering. The study described the fathering of his generation, where the men are mainly providers and partial promoters of an amiable atmosphere for families. For young people without a concept of fathering resource management, fathering would become increasingly mature as they accumulate experience and an increased number of children. The study highlighted the fathering experience and the lifetime of the interviewee and his generation. Suggestions about the practice and future studies of fathering were offered based on the findings of this empirical study."
起訖頁 23-62
關鍵詞 父職父職資源理論生命歷程A Resource Theory of FatheringFatheringLife Course Theory
刊名 人類發展與家庭學報  
期數 202112 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系
該期刊-上一篇 新生兒父母申請育嬰假與其背景因素,及親職參與關聯性之研究:育兒的性別差異
該期刊-下一篇 家庭政策與家庭意識形態之關係──以美國兩黨家庭政策演進為例




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