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Design of the IoT Systems with Interactive Display Devices
作者 呂理煉黃國榮郭泰宏林郁軒陳冠宇 (Guan-Yu Chen)陳偉業
近年來,禁止製造或使用乙次性塑膠成品的政策漸漸地被大眾所接受。由於地球的資源有限與永續發展,本系統研究的目標以期達成循環經濟重複利用顯示裝置。有鑑於此,本系統結合Arduino微控制器、NodeMcu WiFi模組、感測器元件、APP應用程式及網頁設計等概念於互動式顯示裝置之設計,以期達成循環經濟和雙向資訊互動等目標。本研究「具互動式顯示裝置之物聯網系統設計」具有下列特色,於管理者端:具設定/修改中/英文研究者名稱、職銜與研究室位置、目前狀態訊息和QR code留言板顯示功能、管理與提示(鈴聲)留言功能、上傳課程表/作業/行事曆等、密碼解鎖與重設密碼和節能措施;於訪客端:具瀏覽目前狀態顯示、查詢或下載課程表/作業/行事曆以及留言訊息(互動式)等等功能。此系統適合於智慧型辦公室或智慧型城市街道顯示裝置等用途。
"In recent years, the policy of prohibiting the manufacture or the use of secondary plastic products is gradually accepted by the public. Due to the limited resources of the earth and the sustainable development, this research work aims to achieve recycling the display devices in the circular economy. In view of this, the designed system implements the interactive display device by combining the concepts of Arduino microcontroller, NodeMcu WiFi module, sensor components, APP application and Web design, to accomplish the goals of circular economy and two-way information interaction. This research work「Design of the IoT Systems with Interactive Display Devices」has the following functions such as: Set/Modify display functions of Chinese/English name and title of the researcher, research room location, current status message and QR code message board, Message management and prompt (Ring) functions, Upload course schedule, homework, calendar and other functions, Password unlock (Keyless) and reset password and IR-based energy saving measures at the administrator end; Browse contents of display devices, Query or download course schedule, homework, calendar and Message function (Interactive) at the visitor end. This work is appropriate for smart offices or smart city streets advertising display devices."
起訖頁 60-72
關鍵詞 循環經濟微控制器物聯網互動式顯示裝置Circular EconomyMicrocontrollerInternet of ThingsInteractive Display Devices
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 202112 (14:2期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 建構商品適性行銷策略:分類分析之應用




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