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Community-Based Integrated and Inclusive Care System: A Study of BUSSI-EN GYOZENJI in Japan
作者 鄭清霞 (Ching-Hsia Cheng)藤森空美歐紫彤 (Tzu-Tung Ou)李佩芳 (Pei Fang, Lee)王靜怡
"By 2025, 30% of the population of Japan will be older adults. The Japanese government has gradually attached greater importance to the notion of community care. In 2016, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare proposed a policy of“region–society symbiosis.”Bussi-En Gyozenji, a regional social welfare organization, takes the concept of“integration (between various members of society)”to be its main operating philosophy. They hope to realize a society where everyone—young and old, able-bodied and non-able-bodied—interact with each other as contributing members of society. This study aimed to (1) explore the concept of region–society symbiosis, (2) introduce the services of Gyozenji and explore how they designed their premises with accessibility in mind, and (3) analyze how Gyozenji implements the concept of region–society symbiosis. Data were collected from documents, archival records, interviews (with four staff members), and an observation of organization activities (for 14 days).Our results indicated the following. (1) Gyozenji uses accessible design to realize the conception of a symbiotic society. Clients can use Gyozenji services regardless of their gender, age, or disability or lack thereof. (2) Gyozenji creates an environment in which“no one is excluded”(their motto) and provides user-centric welfare services with social inclusion and normalization as their core values. (3) Gyozenji lowers the boundaries between care recipients and caregivers through close interpersonal communication and the creation of a supportive relationship. (4) The policy of region–society symbiosis has resulted in the government taking a backseat. We propose for the responsibilities between the central and local governments to be well defined."
起訖頁 49-97
關鍵詞 在地整合照顧體系共生型服務地域共生社會行善寺Community-Based Integrated Care SystemInclusive CareRegional Symbiotic SocietyBussi-En Gyozenji
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202112 (17:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 「憶」起幸福:社區失智長者現實導向無錯誤學習團體之成效
該期刊-下一篇 祖孫共學趣:以代間學習概念初探老幼共照之可能




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