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Social Investment Policies in the Time of Crisis: The Case of Kurzarbeitergeld
作者 林宏陽 (Hung-Yang Lin)
"During the economic recessions caused by global financial crisis in 2007 and COVID-19 in late 2019, bailouts for companies as well as economic and employment security for employees inevitably became the main issues in order to respond to the crises around the world. In other words, maintaining people's economic security and securing labour force and productivity are the aims of policies, which fit the main idea of social investment. Among the policies applied in the world, Germany's Kurzarbeitergeld was mentioned to be one of the reasons that led Germany get through the crisis between 2007 and 2010, and could be a remedy to employment insecurity in this time. Even though the Kurzarbeitergeld was recognised as a passive benefit scheme, but it performed exactly the natures of social investment. Besides, The Taiwanese government had established an Employment Stabilisation Scheme based on the Kurzarbeitergeld, but it had never been activated due to the built-in limitations. This research intends to tackle two main issues mentioned above. On the one hand, whether the Kurzarbeitergeld a sort of social investment policy? On the other hand, how to modify the Employment Stabilisation Scheme in order to respond to the needs during crises? This article argues that Kurzarbeitergeld functions as a policy that boosts the 'stock' of human capital, smooths the 'flows' in lifetime, and provides a 'buffer' to maintain economic security, which makes a special kind of social investment scheme. This research also suggests that to recognise the Employment Stabilisation Scheme an employment security policy for all time, to stress it more on employers' responsibility for economic risks, and to integrate it with vocational education and training system as a whole are the ways making it a social investment strategy in Taiwan."
起訖頁 185-234
關鍵詞 積極勞動市場政策經濟緊縮就業安全短工津貼社會投資Active Labour Market Policy [ALMP]Economic RecessionEmployment SecurityKurzarbeitergeldSocial Investment
刊名 國家發展研究  
期數 202112 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所
該期刊-上一篇 誰是時間權利的富爸媽?:育嬰假「社會投資」了誰?




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