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"The Historical Debates, Reform and Development of Ed.D."
作者 李毓娟王麗雲
本研究旨在探究教育領域博士學位的發展,特別關心教育專業博士之興起與發展。自 1980 年代後期以來,在美國、英國、澳洲等國家,專業博士學位有大幅擴增的趨勢,我國目前則尚無真正的教育專業博士學位。本研究旨在透過文獻分析探討教育領域有關 Ph.D. 和 Ed.D. 博士學位的論辯,主要源於學術價值和專業價值觀之爭,惟兩者之人才培育目標實有不同。另說明專業博士興起的原因,並以美國卡內基教學促進基金會 2007 年提出之教育博士改革方案(the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate,CPED),及澳洲學者 Lee et al. (2000)所提混合型課程(Hybirde Curriculum)模式,指出教育專業博士學位改革的重點與方向,並介紹美、英、澳知名大學教育博士學位辦理模式,以供國內教育領域博士教育改革的參考。
"The purpose of this research is to examine the development of professional doctoral degree in education with a special focus on its recent development. The number of professional doctoral degree has expanded greatly since 1980s, especially in U.S. ,U.K. and Australia. Debates about the training of Ph.D. and Ed.D. degree holders in education are mainly from the dispute between academic value and professional value, but the goals of the two degrees are really different. Through literature review, this paper examines the reasons behind the design of professional doctoral degrees. Based on the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) proposed by the Carnegie Foundation for Teaching Promotion in 2007, and the Hybrid Curriculum model proposed by the Australian scholars Lee et al. (2000), some professional doctoral degrees in education have been reformed. Significant models of professional doctoral programs of the famous Universities in U.S. ,U.K. and Australia are introduced. Reflections on doctoral education in the field of education are provided."
起訖頁 285-305
關鍵詞 專業博士學位哲學博士學位博士教育professional doctoratedoctor of philosophydoctoral education
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202103 (2:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 兩岸技職教育改革政策比較及啟示




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