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"The First Glance of Integration Among Life Planning Education, Vocational Education and Life Education: The Case of Hong Kong"
作者 秦偉燊陳偉文邱兆豪鄧希恒鍾明倫
"Since the introduction of the New Academic Structure in 2012, policy reform in non-formal education was implemented along with a structural change of the public examination system. In 2014, Life Planning Education was launched to optimize the problem in the over-reliance on career counselling and guidance, while Vocational Education was officially rebranded as Vocational Professional Education and Training in 2015, and it is now regarded as one of the main agendas in the current Hong Kong education policy. In comparison, the development of Life Education has stalled for a long time until the publication of one policy consultancy research report in 2019, which recommended the possible merge of Life Education with Life Planning Education in the future implementation. In the same year, the Hong Kong government proposed the strengthening of support on Values Education in schools through prioritizing Life Education in the policy. This implies that critical role of Life and Values Education in the forthcoming non-formal curriculum reform. It is apparent that the newest development of Life Planning Education, Vocational Education and Life Education are all well-aligned with the initiative of “Education 2030” proposed by UNESCO. In light of this, this paper will examine how these three components have developed and implemented in the local Hong Kong context, with the support of an analytical case study based on a large-scale youth programme for Career and Life Planning for illustration."
起訖頁 175-192
關鍵詞 生涯規劃教育職業教育生命教育生存意義生命意義life planning educationvocational educationlife educationikigaimeaningfulness of life
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202009 (1:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 偏鄉國小教師專業學習社群實施之研究
該期刊-下一篇 家校環境對青少年科學素養的多水準影響——基於PISA 2015中國京滬粵蘇四省市資料




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