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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Vision Disorders Interfering with Children's Reading and Learning: The Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment |
作者 |
曾善裕、鄭靜瑩、張洋馨 |
中文摘要 |
與視力或視覺有關的專家學者經常在一般的臨床檢查中發現閱讀與學習有問題的學童,近來的研究指出許多視覺方面的問題,如遠視、雙眼視覺失調、眼球運動缺陷、視覺認知障礙、以及瞬變視覺系統歷程障礙等,將導致學童閱讀或其他學科方面的學習困難。有閱讀與學習困擾的學童應該被徹底的評估其視覺功能,並探討處置學童的視覺功能問題是否可以排除視力因素對其學習的影響。對學齡前期與學齡後期學童的閱讀效能而言,視覺功能在不同學習階段中所扮演的角色是有差異的,如視覺形象認知、視覺記憶、與視聽統整等能力,對學齡前期的學童在學習閱讀時是很重要的;然而對學齡後期的學童而言,當閱讀的文字變小,或閱讀所需要持續理解的時間變長時,些微的雙眼會聚與調節問題將會影響學童的閱讀效能與理解能力。了解學童的視力與視覺問題、臨床上的閱讀表現、以及學童在教室情境中的狀況,將可幫助視力或視覺專家有效的諮商與處置學童的閱讀與學習困擾。 |
英文摘要 |
The eye care practitioner commonly encounters children with learning and reading problems in the primary care setting. Current research suggests a host of visual disorders such as hyperopia, failures in binocular vision, and deficits in eye movement, perception, and visual processing can contribute to academic difficulties. Students with learning difficulties should be thoroughly evaluated in order to determine whether a visual disorder is a causative factor.Many visual function problems exist, and they will affect students at different stages in their learning. In the early grades, deficits in visual from perception, visual memory, and visual-auditory integration can affect children as they learn to read. In later grades, as students read to learn, reading efficiency and comprehension can be hindered by subtle disorders in accommodation and vergence. An understanding of the types of deficits that exist and how they can affect reading and learning will help the eye care practitioner better counsel patients and recommend care. |
起訖頁 |
010-015 |
關鍵詞 |
視力、閱讀障礙、學習障礙、視覺機能、dyslexia、learning disabilities、visual function、visual acuity |
刊名 |
特殊教育季刊 |
期數 |
201003 (114期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
迅吃—有學習困難的語言障礙 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
注意力缺陷過動症學生的聽覺注意力問題 |