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Censorship and Creativity: The Offense of Hong Kong Cinema
Censorship and Creativity: The Offense of Hong Kong Cinema
作者 Kuan Chee Wah
"On October 27, 2021, Hong Kong legislators passed an amendment bill on the censorship law, which would allow the government to halt film productions deemed threatening to national security. The amendment was an extension of the national security law which Beijing imposed on Hong Kong in July 2020 in the aftermath of the 2019 social protests against the enactment of the criminal extraction bill. Aligned with the national security law, the newly amended cen-sorship regulation bans films that may “endorse, support, glorify, encourage, and incite activities that might endanger national security,” and citizens who hold illegal screenings of these films will face heavy penalties and jail sentence (Yau, Leung, and Ng). "
起訖頁 45-54
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202112 (46期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 God and Human Beings in the Technologically-Mediated Living Condition: Philip K. Dick's Literary Theology in the VALIS Trilogy
該期刊-下一篇 Coleridge's Politics of Enlightened Understanding




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