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Use of the positive youth development framework in a community youth center: Theories in practice
作者 楊佩榮張怡芬
本篇實務議題討論旨在分享臺北市中山大同區少年服務中心(中大少服中心)過去幾年運用正向少年發展(Positive Youth Development;PYD)的實務累積。中大少服中心的工作方式從立基於「轉介原因」轉變為立基於「少年」,並融入正向少年發展概念於少年服務中,視少年成為解決自己問題的專家,服務目標不以消除問題為標的,而是從少年對成長的想望著手。本文從(一)PYD精神、(二)PYD服務目標與介入策略、(三)PYD方案活動特質,和(四)PYD社工角色四個面向,分別介紹每個面向的理論概念、實踐挑戰,與摸索出來的實踐方法。透過PYD理論內涵與實務操作之對應介紹,希望本文可以供抱持同樣理念或在工作手法上尋求突破的少年實務工作者參考,也希望本文能促發更多有關正向少年發展實踐方式的討論。
"The Taipei City Zhongshan-Datong Youth Center has incorporated the positive youth development (PYD) framework into their practice for the past years. This practice article aimed to share their practice experiences using the PYD framework. Since use of PYD, the focal point of service is on the youth rather than the referred problems. Youth are seen as experts of their lives. The service goal is centered at youth thriving and not at elimination of the youth’s problems. This article discussed PYD theories and practices in four areas: 1. PYD belief; 2. PYD service plan and strategies; 3. PYD program characteristics; and 4. Social worker position in PYD practice. In each area, we introduced the concept, the challenge, and the way the PYD theories were implemented. We hope that this article might serve as a springboard to spark more discussions about PYD practice, and to guide similar-minded youth workers who seek alternative and positive methods to partner with youth."
起訖頁 115-138
關鍵詞 青少年正向少年發展少年服務中心青少年社會工作AdolescencePositive youth developmentYouth centerSocial work with adolescents
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 202108 (24期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 檢視孤「新」社會工作者之職場挑戰




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