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To Collate and Footnote Zheng-Ho's Astronomical Navigation Charts through Stellarium Software
作者 徐勝一韋煙灶陳有志李易修孫兆中
"Four astronomical navigation charts on Aceh Indonesia, Beruwara Sri Lanka, Dandi-Baxi India, Raas-Al-Hadd Oman, and Hormus Iran, were prepared for ship navigation purposes for Zheng-Ho's journey to western oceans. Each chart basically provides two sets of star elevation angles, the first set includes Polaris and Acrux while the other set includes Vega and Pollux. When a ship arrived at a port of call, the azimuth and the elevation for each assigned star in the navigation chart should meet the previous record to position the ship. In Ming dynasty a Kamal wood board was used to measure the star elevation in fingers instead of radian degrees with low precision, therefore the conversion from fingers to degrees and vice versa requires a regression curve and a stellar software. In order to convert fingers to degrees, this study employed 16 Polaris elevation angles in fingers observed around 1430 AD along the western Indian coast to establish a regression equation: Y=1.094+1.601X, where X is an independent variable in fingers and Y is a dependent variable in degrees. It is found that the figures recorded on these charts were comprehensive and explainable with help of the computed results. However, some obvious errors were found, which could be attributable to aiming at Jupiter instead of Pollux in April of 1433 AD, and other errors such as the misprinting of Chinese characters due to some unknown reasons. With the assistance of Stellarium software, a temporary named''Leveling''star observed at Beruwara is confirmed to be Achenar (αEri) while a''Canopy-Star''observed at Aceh is confirmed to be Kochab (βUMi). Due to the fact that some observational errors and writing errors appeared in these charts, which had not been corrected before publication, these stellar charts are consequentially thought to be the records of Zheng-Ho's last made journey between 1432 AD and 1433 AD."
起訖頁 139-166
關鍵詞 過洋牽星圖鄭和織女星布司星水平星華蓋星Astronomical Navigation ChartZheng-HoVegaPolluxAchenarKochab
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202108 (73期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 亡者的文化迴響:臺灣爭議性墓葬襲產化的空間政治




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