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An Analysis and Review of the National Pension Policy in Taiwan--Take the Judicial Interpretation No.766 as an example
作者 許淑媛
The development of Old-aged Economic Security System is an adjusted process within the problem of aging population. Advanced technology has resulted in somehow risks on old-aged economic. In the past days the function of providing for the aged started from Family then to Society; however, with the needs large increasing by the expectation of society, systems about Pension Policy became popular to execute for most Welfare States dealing with the Economic Security subject. Examining the past system of Social Security already showed the knowledge on old-aged economic; we handled it but mainly provided Lump Sum Payment as the Old-aged Security. Still there are some people remaining the Lump Sum Payment, not yet adopting Annuity Payment as National Pension Insurance. Nowadays, we are the second country of Global Rapid Population Aging. Do our aged persons have the sufficient economic security in the present stage? If not, how do we modify and improve? It is still doubted by our nationals. Next, our Old-aged Economic Security System has presented diversified, and the nationals have often worried whether the standard of payment can achieve the effects of Income Redistribution. Further, while the needs are on the instant, the essential norms and rules usually are sluggish. As a result, it is necessary to make a study of norms and rules on the subject of the Old-aged Economic Security."
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 國民年金社會保險年金保險National PensionSocial InsurancePension
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202108 (2021:8期)
該期刊-下一篇 職業自由與審查方法之初探──以釋字第711、749號解釋為中心




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