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The Study on the Calculation of Civil Liability for Financial Statement Attestation
作者 許淑媛
"2006年增訂之證交法第20條之1,目的在明確、強化財報不實之民事損害賠償責任。然其部分內容在學理上備受質疑,例如將「有價證券持有人」列為損害賠償請求主體之妥當性。部分內容在實務運作上遭遇困難,例如不實財報與損害之間因果關係之舉證、過失比例責任之認定及損害賠償額之計算等。本文嘗試參酌外國學理及實務見解就此等問題予以釐清。In 2006, the Securities and Exchange Act added the status 20 of 1 to clarify and strengthen the civil liability for financial statement attestation. However, there is a highly contentious question among practitioners and scholars, such as the rationality of adding “the securities holder” as the subject of the financial statement fraud. Besides, there are lots of difficulties and gaps between rule and the reality, for example, the burden of proof in the causality between financial statements and civil damages, the definition of the proportion of Degree of Fault and the calculation of the amount of civil compensation, and so on. The study analyzes the judicial verdicts and theoretical opinions from the foreign countries, and try to let the issues to be clarified."
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 持有人交易因果關係市場詐欺理論損失因果關係過失比例責任Securities HolderTransaction CausationFraud on the Market TheoryLoss CausationProportionate Liability
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202103 (2021:3期)
該期刊-上一篇 論人工智慧與隱私權保障之研究──現代科技與資訊隱私權之拉鋸戰
該期刊-下一篇 論新冠病毒爆發兩岸法制之比較──以電子商務租賃合同之調整為中心




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