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A Brief Analysis of the Practical Problems of the Crime of Violating Law and Absorbing Gold in Bank Law--Take the Criminal Judgment No. 2 of the Supreme Court in 106 years as an example
作者 羅裕翔
"台灣的詐騙新聞層出不窮,詐騙手法多變,而各種詐騙手法,往往又以吸金詐騙犯所取得的金額最龐大。但在實務上,吸金犯不必然等於詐欺犯,所謂的詐欺犯是指施用詐術使他人受騙後,因而取的他人所交付的財物,而詐欺犯對於這些財物主觀上要有不法所有的意圖;而吸金犯(違法吸金)一般是指行為人違反我國銀行法第29條、第125條之規定,非經主管機關核准的銀行單位,不可經營與銀行相關業務。簡單來說,吸金犯就是未經主管機關核准,向不特定的多數人招攬收取資金並支付利息。而若是當初招攬收取資金之原因為虛構不存在,或是招攬資金後根本沒有去進行約定的投資,則違法吸金的同時也會成立詐欺行為。在現實社會中,吸金集團不斷以「老鼠會」、「多層次傳銷」、「類合會方式」、「投資性契約」來吸引不特定民眾之資金,再以「還本+高額利息」來降低民眾之警戒心,故最後造成社會金融秩序動盪不安,故就此為文試探討違法吸金罪在實務上所面臨之議題研究。There are endless scams in Taiwan, and the scams are changeable. The various scams are often the largest amount of money scams. But in practice, the smuggler is not necessarily equal to the swindler. The so-called swindler refers to the fraudulent use of the swindle to defraud others, and thus the property delivered by others, and the fraudsters have subjective intentions for these possessions; The absorbing act (infringement of the law) generally refers to the actor's violation of the provisions of Articles 29 and 125 of the Banking Law of China. Banks not approved by the competent authority may not operate business related to the bank. To put it simply, the gold-collecting criminals are collecting funds and paying interest to an unspecified majority without the approval of the competent authority. If the reason for collecting funds is that the fiction does not exist, or if the funds are not made after the solicitation of funds, then illegal fraud will also establish fraud. In the real world, the Gold Group continues to attract funds from unspecified people with ''rats'', ''multi-level marketing'', ''combination-style'' and ''investment contracts'', and then ''repay this + high interest''. Reducing the public's vigilance, and ultimately causing the social financial order to be turbulent, so this is a textual study of the issues facing the crime of illegal capital absorption in practice."
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 銀行法違法吸金罪犯罪所得詐欺罪共犯連帶沒收沒收制度Banking LawIllegal Money AbuseProceeds of CrimeFraudConfession and ConfiscationConfiscation System
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202011 (2020:11期)
該期刊-上一篇 試論大法庭首件受理之爭議問題
該期刊-下一篇 淺談非營業基金一詞之由來




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