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The study on the interpreters in the sexual abuse cases of the expatriate labours
作者 陳慧女
"外籍移工在臺灣遭遇性侵害,涉及語言、國籍、宗教、性別等多元文化議題。本研究以焦點團體法訪談某服務外籍移工之非營利社福機構的四位通譯及社工人員,探討通譯在外籍移工性侵害案件處遇過程中所面臨的問題,並提出若干建議。研究發現:目前處理外籍移工性侵害案件的程序不夠快、被害人重複接受詢訊問、詢訊問者缺乏文化敏感度、被害人延遲報案致證據力薄弱、加害人將性侵害轉為合意、被害人請假出庭有困難、同一案件有多位通譯處理致服務不連貫、通譯與被害人的口音不同而難以理解、通譯因感同身受而情緒易受影響、通譯的酬勞低亟須專業化、應定期更新通譯人才資料庫。研究建議為:建置性侵害案件的標準化詢訊問程序,並加強檢警詢訊問及多元文化敏感度的訓練知能;通譯是專業的工作,須予以專業及專職化,並提供在職訓練;落實外籍移工保護自己及求助管道的宣導,加強仲介與雇主的性侵害防治教育、增列仲介為性侵害案件之通報人員。Multi-culture issues such as language, nationality, religion, and gender etc might be concerned while the expatriate labor was sexually abused in Taiwan. The purpose of the study was to explore the experience and problems of interpreters might have through the focus group interview with four interpreters and social workers who helped expatriate labours, and was to propose some suggestions in the end. It was found that the dealing procoess was slow, victims were interrogated repeatly, viticms might lose evidence since delaying report, offenders might mislead sexual abuse case to consensual sex, victims might have difficulty to ask a leave for the court, too many interpreters to do good interpretation, and interpreters might have difficulty to understand vicitm since the accent, interpreters' over-empathy might harm the job, low pay for interpreters and professionalization should be established, to renew the talent bank. The author suggested as followed: contructing a standard procedure of interrogation, enhancing the police’s interrogation and multi-culture sensitivity, providing interpreters on-the-job training and promoting professionalization, providing expatriate labours’ self-protect and help seeking, enhancing employers and human resource agency about preventive education of sexual abuse, and agencies learn sexual assault incidents while performing their duties, they must report."
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 外籍移工性侵害通譯expatriate labourinterpretersexual abuse
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201911 (2019:11期)
該期刊-上一篇 遭受性侵害女性的母職經驗
該期刊-下一篇 心理師在司法體系中的角色




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