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Community University as the Introspectionof Higher Education Reform
作者 許育典紀筱儀
"社區大學的倡議與設立,其實是來自民間人士對教育改革的沮喪,且由此積極轉化為寄託最終希望的教改實驗場所。沒想到,這個教改實驗場所,竟然辦的有聲有色,而且朝向挑戰高等教育品質的路線邁進,甚至還期許自己成為終身學習型的高等教育機構。社區大學自詡作為教育改革的平台,究竟做到了什麼?在目前大學院校風起雲湧的台灣社會中,各大學為了追求高等教育的效率,而紛紛朝向迎合大眾的市場化走去,此時此刻在台灣蓬勃發展的社區大學,將帶給現階段高等教育改革怎樣的衝擊?社區大學如何能堅守原初的教育改革理念,並避免市場化可能帶來的弊病?現階段社區大學在高等教育改革的實踐上,面臨了哪些危機,又將應如何調整?為使高等教育的改革更加全面,本文提出了社區大學與一般大學間各種相互扶持的策略。其中,以通識教育的精神作為整個大方向的指引,使得於一般大學內實行不佳的通識課程,因為藉由社區大學這片有著社會改造、價值觀重建等理念的土壤,而產生改良,並進一步讓這好的成果流入一般大學的通識課程規劃當中。另外,社區大學的法制化,能為我國高等教育注入新的血液,使高等教育的管道更佳多元且綿密,因此,本文將其作為高等教育改革的反省之道。The promotion and institution of community university are came from the civilian’s depression for reformation of education. And they did their best to change community university into the final experimental place of reformatting education. However the places have made colorful and faced to challenge the higher education. They also wish that the places can become a higher education of lifelong learning. They call themselves are the site of reforming education, but what did they do? In Taiwan, the universities are more and more. They all seek for the efficiency of higher education and face to be market economy in order to canter for civilian. At this time, the vigorous community university in Taiwan will shock the recent higher education or be affected (negative)? How can the community university hold on their original opinions and avoid the abuse in the market economy? In this time, what kinds of crisis they face to accomplish the higher education and how can they adjust? In order to reform the higher education become generally. The article will address a strategy for support with university and community university. The spirit of general education is the main point in the article, and will make the general class of bad implement in general university reform by the community university of Society’s Reform and value of rehabilitation. And make the good effect into planning general class in general university. Besides, the legalized system of community university will make our higher education better, and make it more diversified and inseparable. Therefore, it is a considerable way to reform the higher education."
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 社區大學社區大學的法制化高等教育改革通識課程community university general class higher education reform the legalized system of community university
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201312 (2013:12期)
該期刊-上一篇 人權與法治教育的理論與實踐
該期刊-下一篇 警察權之行使與人民罷工權──以罷工糾察線所引起問題為例




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