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"Preliminary study on the visual preference of riverbed vegetation in Liou River and Ma-Yuan-Tou River, Taichung city"
作者 陳晉琪姜正國
本文研究以台中市柳川與麻園頭溪的人工化河段為案例,調查河床植生的變化,並使用六個認知因子(自然性N、生動性V、和諧性H、封閉性CL、連續性CO和神秘性M)來討論與視覺偏好P的關係。首先,調查及收集研究區域之河流影像,並模擬河床植生的變化。其次,透過問卷調查方法(有效問卷246份),進行視覺偏好與認知因子的評估。最後,推算整張影像及影像中河床部分的綠量面積百分比(分別稱為綠視率GR0及河床綠視率GR),並分析綠視率與視覺偏好度及認知因子的關係。結果顯示,視覺偏好度P會隨著GR與GR0的增加而增加;尤其,當GR或GR0> 40%時,較高的N,V,H和CO,對視覺偏好度的提升會有幫助。
"The visual preference influenced by riverbed vegetation was studied in this paper. The study area is located in the Liou River and Ma-Yuan-Tou River in Taichung city, central Taiwan. Four artificialized sections in both rivers were selected as the observation sites to examine the vegetation changes in the riverbed. The green looking ratio (GR) was used to evaluate the images of green areas in spaces due to vegetation on the riverbed. Six cognitive factors: naturalness N, vividness V, harmony H, closure CL, continuity CO, and mystery M, were used to discuss the factors associated with visual preference. First, various river landscape images with changes in riverbed vegetation were collected and simulated by image processing. Second, the visual preference and cognitive factors were rated by the questionnaire survey method. A total of 246 valid questionnaires were used. Finally, the visual preference associated with GR and the cognitive factors were analyzed. The results showed that the visual preference P increased with increasing GR, especially when GR > 40%. A higher N, V, H and CO, can help promote visual preference."
起訖頁 38-50
關鍵詞 河床植生認知因子視覺偏好綠視率Riverbedvegetationcognitive factorsvisual preferencegreen looking ratio
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 201810 (13期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-上一篇 坡地監測及滑動的力學數值分析與風險度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 團隊角色融入國小綜合活動學習領域之行動研究




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