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Groundwater and Displacement Microscopic monitoring and macroscopic investigation and remediation of a dip-slope landslide
作者 鄭清江曾佳漢楊嘉瑜
"The main study area of this research is the Huafan University campus within the Dalun Mountain area. For sustainable development of the campus, various devices have been set to monitor the slope. In this study, amount of settlement and displacement of the slope is analyzed and compared to the monitoring data. In addition, variation of the groundwater level owing to precipitation induced by typhoons is also considered. Not only the campus but also the Dalun Mountain area are taken into consideration, where surficial cracks are surveyed and aerial photos derived from UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) are also acquired. Relationship between groundwater and rainfall is also concluded, and then to discuss the effectiveness of the catchpit. SAA (ShapeAccelArray) are applied to monitor extra slope displacement during the construction of the wells. Sliding rates of each sliding mass inferred are derived from the monitoring data over years. In the area where the sliding rate is high, radial collector wells are constructed in the upslope to drain and lower the groundwater, and further to diminish the slope displacement. Three months after the catchpit T1 was set, the groundwater level has lowered significantly. More complete variation of the groundwater level can be observed when the rain season comes."
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 颱風降雨坡地變位SAA監測地下水位集水井UAVInfiltrationSlope displacementSAA monitoringGroundwater levelCatchpitUAV
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 201810 (13期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-下一篇 坡地監測及滑動的力學數值分析與風險度之研究




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