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The Impact of Participating in Recruitment Education for Middle-aged Learners
作者 李靜美陳欣蘭
"The purpose of this study is to explore the participation of recruitment education for middle-aged persons including their motivation, learning obstacles, learning adjustment, and learning self-efficacy. This study adopted qualitative methodology based on the principle of purposive sampling. The participants in this study were three middle-aged graduates earning a Master Degree from the same University of Technology. Through indepth interviews, the results were as follows: (1) The learning motivation for the interviewees were career orientation because they wanted to upgrade their social position. (2) Interviewee’s learning obstacles mainly included situational obstacles and institutional obstacles. (3) Interviewees adjusted their learning obstacles by facing the problem positively, self-directed learning, and making good use of time for learning. As for situational obstacles, the interviewees came up with the solutions by emotional support of the family. (4) Interviewees’learning self-efficacy focused on the satisfaction with their learning, being able to apply what they have learned, obtaining a master’s degree, having a sense of accomplishment, and broadening their horizons. The researcher hoped the results could give the middle-aged persons who wanted to participate in the recurrent education in the future and some suggestions were made for the related authorities, instructors and follow-up researchers."
起訖頁 177-186
關鍵詞 中高齡者回流教育學習動機學習適應自我效能middle-aged personsrecruitment educationlearning motivationlearning adjustmentlearning self-efficacy
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202112 (9:2期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 中高齡品評苦茶油拌薑黃麵線體驗行銷、幸福感與忠誠度相關之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以Kano二維品質模式分析消費者選擇蔬食餐廳偏好




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