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Approaches Using Information Technology to Care for a Noncompliant Diabetic Patient
作者 劉彩楹王維那 (Wei-Na Wang)
"This report shares the experience of caring for a 37-year-old man who needed to be amputated after several debridement procedures due to recurrent diabetic foot infection. During the period of care from May 28 to June 15, 2019, Gordon’s functional health patterns was used to assess the patient’s health condition; data were collected through interview, observation, process recording, measures of physical function, and medical record review. The major health problems identified were impaired skin integrity, non-compliance, lack of knowledge, and anxiety. With the nurse’s professional knowledge in combination with health apps, the patient was capable of self-monitoring his blood glucose by routinely recording blood sugar levels on the LINE Group chat and accessing health education information in the NOTES; using the Talkabout DM app, he learned how to improve diet and eating habits. By looking at his blood glucose trend graph during hospitalization, the patient was aware of the importance of adhering to regular medication to control blood glucose level. Using empathic listening and encouraging the patient to clarify his concerns, nurses found that the patient was worried about poor wound healing and amputation and, therefore, taught relaxation techniques to reduce his anxiety. We share this approach of integrating health apps into care for the improvement of patient compliance in the hope to help other nurses."
起訖頁 51-67
關鍵詞 糖尿病足健康應用程式不遵從焦慮diabetic foothealth appsnoncomplianceanxiety
刊名 彰化護理  
期數 202112 (28:4期)
出版單位 彰化基督教醫院
該期刊-上一篇 提升癌症資源中心病人服務量及滿意度
該期刊-下一篇 運用個案管理協助一位車禍截肢後,初次診斷糖尿病患者自我照護經驗




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