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Coexisting The Virtual and Physical Technical Sculpture: Augmented Reality(AR) in Contemporary Art Creation and Practice
作者 李寅彰
「擴增實境」(Augmented Reality,AR)提供了當代新的真實情景。「AR」一方面擴充人類的感知能力,並達到即時的互動體驗;另一方面,藉由定位技術、結合虛實空間的過程,開啟重塑社會與共享空間的意涵。「AR」在當代藝術的創作中,「Manifest.AR」藝術團體提出〈AR藝術宣言〉,揭示這項科技的藝術創作將成為一種「反藝術」的新藝術形式,並擴大虛擬於真實世界中的影響力。本文以當代雕塑的論述觀點,檢視「AR」在場域、造形與空間的面向,並論其科技雕塑的當代處境。由此提問,「AR」的藝術創作與實踐方案,如何以科技介入公共空間,創造其擴充的臨場感?「AR」在媒介與雕塑的觀點中,如何產生虛實共存的雕塑特性?第一部份為「AR」的科技發展的歷史背景與藝術創作的脈絡,透過當代雕塑的論述觀點,檢視「AR」科技雕塑的創新及藝術特質。第二部份則舉出「AR」的當代藝術創作與實踐方案,探討創新公共空間的可能性。
"Augmented Reality (AR) creates a new vision of the world. AR expands the perceivability of human with real-time interaction; while on the other hand, it opens up the implications of reshaping society and public space through location tracking, and the merging of realities. Under contemporary art, this emerging form of AR art is defined as''anti-art''by art collective, Manifest.AR, in their AR Art Manifesto. It is expected that AR art will extend its influence from the virtual in to our realities.This essay will review AR within the domains of plastic art, and space, from the viewpoint of contemporary sculptures. Setting forth the question—in the creation and implementation of AR art—how does technology infiltrates public space, creates, and expands its virtual presence in the physical world? With the sculpture as the media, how does AR maintain a sculpture’s characteristics in coexisting spatial realities? The history of technological development in the context of art creation will first be discussed from the perspective of contemporary sculptures, reviewing the artistic traits, and innovation of AR technological sculptures. Case studies of contemporary AR art will be used to discuss the potential of reinventing public spaces."
起訖頁 97-118
關鍵詞 擴增實境AR藝術宣言科技雕塑虛實共存創新公共空間Augmented RealityAR Art ManifestoTechnical SculpturesVirtual and Physical CoexistingInnovative Public Space
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 202112 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 360虛擬實境影片敘事分析
該期刊-下一篇 以詮釋學視角對攝影影像本體論的分析




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