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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Exploring the Life of Walter Scott through His Poliomyelitis and Memoirs
作者 邱剛彥
"瓦爾特.司各特在歷史上享有歐洲歷史小說之父的美 名。然而他僅以「威弗利的作者」署名出版絕大多數的小 說創作,並在遭逢 1826 年的破產之前未公開表示自己身為 作者的身份(雖然這幾乎是眾人皆知的秘密),因此被後人 冠上「偉大的未知」的稱號。但這位「偉大的未知」對於 自身的跛足,卻從不遮掩。司各特不只在《回憶錄》記載 幼時感染小兒麻痺症的經過以及與此病痛搏鬥的心路歷 程,他還清楚說明此病症與他形塑人格特質的過程具有高 度關聯。雖然人類感染此病症的歷史已有數千年之久,但 對其描述卻遲至十八世紀末才出現在蘇格蘭、英格蘭與德 國等地。由於司各特的《回憶錄》提供了近代歷史上最為 完整的關於感染小兒麻痺症的文字記錄,此份史料不只對 醫學研究價值不斐,對於認識司各特也非常珍貴。本文將 回歸歷史現場,梳理十八世紀末、十九世紀初醫學界對於 小兒痲痺症的認識與醫療方式,以及社會對此病症的普遍態度,並以此視角進入司各特的生平與創作,試圖探究他對此病症所提出的論述,以及小兒麻痺症對於形塑這位偉大作家生命內涵的影響與意義。 "
"Walter Scott, father of the European historical novel, published most of his novels using the name ""the Author of Waverley."" He did not make his authorship public (although it was an open secret) until his financial ruin in 1826. As a result, he was nicknamed ""the Great Unknown."" Nonetheless, this ""Great Unknown"" was frank in recording in his Memoir his own personal experiences of contracting polio when only eighteen months old. Scott clearly explained to his readers the impact of polio in the development of his personality. Even though the history of polio infection in humans is some several thousand years, descriptions of it did not appear until the late eighteenth century in places like Scotland, England and Germany. Scott's Memoir offers one of the earliest descriptions of polio in human history; therefore, it has a unique value to medical researchers in this field. From the perspectives of medical humanities, this paper intends to investigate the knowledge of polio and the treatment of it in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. In addition, it is also this paper's intention to understand the influence that polio had on Scott's life and his writings."
起訖頁 241-274
關鍵詞 瓦爾特.司各特《回憶錄》《司各特傳》小兒 麻痺症/脊髓灰質炎小兒麻痺症後群/脊髓灰 質炎後遺症Walter Scott Memoirs Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott poliomyelitis post-polio syndrome
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202106 (14:02期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Fashioning the Self-Portrait: Mary Robinson's Personas in Pictures and Words
該期刊-下一篇 Against the Lure of Immediacy: W. G. Sebald and Tom McCarthy




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