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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Representation of Coquetry in Drama: Taking Marivaux as an Example
作者 朱鴻洲
在所有馬里伏的著作中,尤其是在戲劇作品方面,女 性占有絕對重要的地位。但馬里伏所關注的女性議題有何 特色?本文要以嬌媚之態為切入點,來審視馬里伏筆下女 性的特色。本文的主要研究對象除了戲劇作品,也包括馬 里伏的哲學式散文。研究的進行方式,將先彙整馬里伏有 關嬌媚之態的論述,進而對劇作進行分析。對於馬里伏戲 劇作品中的嬌媚者,本文將分類進行分析,並藉此指出馬 里伏對於嬌媚之態的獨到見解。本文的研究目的除了以上 的要點,還在於論證馬里伏式的戲劇語言風格與嬌媚之態 的緊密關聯,也對馬里伏式風格所遭受的誤解與批評―― 過度細膩的道德分析――提出另一種辯解。並且,本文希 望藉由這個主題的研究,能更進一步對於馬里伏筆下人物 在尋找愛情真相與認識自我兩方面,皆屢屢失敗的原因 上,找出另一個答案。
"In all the works of Marivaux, especially in dramatic works, women occupy an absolutely important position. But what are the characteristics of the women's issues presented by Marivaux? This article takes coquetry as the main point of view to examine the characteristics of women in Marivaux's plays. In addition to the dramatic works, the main research objects of this paper include Marivaux's philosophical prose. The way how the research is carried out, firstly, will be to summarize Marivaux's theory of coquetry, and then analyze some of his plays. For the coquettes in Marivaux's dramatic works, this article will classify them and analyze them, and the results of this analysis can be used to point out Marivaux's meticulous and unique insights into coquetry. In addition to the above points, the purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the close relationship between marivaudage and coquetry, in order to defend the misunderstandings and criticisms of marivaudage-excessively refined moral analysis. Moreover, this article hopes that through the research on the problematic issue of coquetry, we can further find an answer to the reasons why Marivaux's characters are often failing in finding both the truth of love and the self."
起訖頁 165-212
關鍵詞 馬里伏嬌媚之態《雙重背叛》《愛的驚奇》 馬里伏式風格Marivaux coquetry The Double Inconstancy The Surprise of Love marivaudage
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202106 (14:02期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 From Messianic Diaspora to Biomedia Avatars: New Traits of Eastern-European Reception of the East from Eighteenth to Twenty-first Century
該期刊-下一篇 Fashioning the Self-Portrait: Mary Robinson's Personas in Pictures and Words




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