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會計審計論叢 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Tax Accounting Review of Taiwan
作者 汪瑞芝 (Jui-Chih Wang)黃美珠陳明進
"This study reviews 93 academic papers on tax research published in 15 major academic accounting-related journals in Taiwan from 2000 to 2020. We first review the relevant research topics under the Integrated Income Tax System implemented in Taiwan since 1998, including research on the effects the imputation systems on stock market reactions, dividend policy, capital structure, ownership structure, and earnings management. We also review the related studies on other tax systems effective during the period that the Integrated Income Tax System remains in place, including research on the implementation of the Alternative Minimum Tax System in Taiwan in 2006 and the reduction of the income tax rate for profit-seeking enterprise income tax in 2010. The topics we reviewed include research on the factors of book-tax differences, the effects of book-tax differences on tax-related earnings management, financial crisis and information transparency, and the economic consequences of book-tax differences, including the accuracy and convergence of analyst forecasts, the cost and covenants of debt financing, tax audit selection, and tax incentives. Finally, we also suggest some future tax accounting research topics to explore the two major tax reforms in our tax systems-the corporate income tax system changes from the imputation systems to the traditional systems and the establishment of tax systems under the international anti-tax avoidance trend."
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 稅務研究稅務會計文獻回顧兩稅合一兩稅獨立國際租稅Tax researchTax accounting literature reviewImputation systemsTraditional tax systemsInternational tax
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 202112 (11:2期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-下一篇 企業揭露品質與經理人能力之關聯:以強制管理階層盈餘預測修正為例




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