英文摘要 |
"The purpose of this study is to determine whether the involvement component auditors will influence the propensity of the principal auditor to issue going concern opinions (GCO) to a group company in financial distress. The empirical results show that the principal auditors are more likely to issue GCO in case where all components of a group company are audited solely by the principal auditor. It indicates that despite economic reliance on a single client, the principal auditor can maintain the independence because of reputation concerns and litigation costs. Further analysis reveals a non-linear relationship between the proportion of audit work performed by component auditors (the ratio of total assets audited by the component auditors to total consolidated assets) and GCO. In case where the proportion is below a critical value (22.4%), the proportion shows a significant negative correlation with GCO. In case where the proportion exceeds the critical value, the greater the proportion, the less the economic dependence in the group company, the higher the chance for the principal auditor to issue GCO. Nonetheless, if we refer to Chi and Chin (2011), which treats the modified unqualified and modified audit opinion as a dependent variable (MAO), the relationship between the proportion of audit work performed by component auditors and the probability of GCO issuance was no longer evident ." |