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A Preliminary Exploration of the Development of Older Adult Education in Tainan
作者 胡小玫葉芸彤李靖雯王筠婷張若喬周祐如王宏宇
This study aims to explore the situation of population aging, the origin, and the development of older adult education in Tainan, and to analyze the current situation. Document analysis and 21 in-depth interviews are used for the method to carry out the study. The results include: (1) Rural areas face the shortage of educational resources. (2) The development of elderlearning courses relies mainly on official institutions and is supplemented by non-profit organizations and private institutions. (3) Cultural transmission plays an important role in older adult education. (4) Older adult education is a solution to manpower crisis. (5) The purpose of older adult education is to promote social participation and to avoid isolation. (6) The courses provided by educational institutions are designed to meet the needs of local seniors and to create adaptive environment. (7) Different authorities have various planning concepts and implementaion methods. (8) Leisure and health courses are the majority in the curriculum, but cognitive courses are increasing. (9) Senior volunteers have been an important manpower resource in older adult education. (10) Intergenerational learning programs promote mutual understanding between generations. (11) Policymakers need forward-looking insights to make better decision for elderlearning. According to the findings, the recommendations are made: (1) The government must upgrade management level of older adult education to establish a cross-system integration platform. (2) The government should subsidize educational institutions to have multiple devices in elder learning in order to establish a positive learning environment. (3) Educational institutions should make good use of various media to let older persons obtain learning information and build a learning database. (4) The government can establish a reward mechanism for cultural and special courses. (5) The government can praise older adult educational volunteers publicly every year. (6) The government should provide regular in-service training to update educators' skills and knowledge.
起訖頁 93-147
關鍵詞 臺南市高齡者高齡教育
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202111 (46期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 疫情下線上教學斷裂與自我認同轉變──以大學通識英文教師為例
該期刊-下一篇 正向領導、幸福感與教師組織承諾之關係研究:MASEM方法分析




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