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Student-generated Questions for Social Studies: A Comparative Study of Constructing Multiple-choice Items by Low-, Medium-, and High-achieving Sixth-graders
作者 郭治偉于富雲 (Fu-Yun Yu)
Past studies on student question-generation have been extensively conducted in the context of mathematics education to assess its teaching and evaluation value. Comparatively, relatively few studies were conducted in social studies and investigated the effects of different academic achievements on the quality of student-generated questions. In consideration of the contextual and domain differences while recognizing limited studies pertain to the analysis of student-generated questions performance, this study aimed to explore the practices of student question-generation in social studies by elementary students at different learning achievement levels. Six pupils at Grade 6, including two high-achievers, two medium-achievers, and two low-achievers, were recruited to participate in the study and were asked to generate two multiple-choice items after the instructor completed teaching each social studies unit. A total of 288 questions covering 24 social studies units was collected and subject to content analysis based on a six-dimension taxonomy (i.e., importance, cognitive levels, fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and originality) for evaluating the quality of student-generated questions. Overall, the results showed that in terms of importance, the generated questions by the six participants can mostly cover the main points of the study materials, but they are mainly of the lower-level knowledge type of Bloom's (1956) cognitive taxonomy. Also, the creativity analysis of questions in terms of fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and originality revealed that a very low proportion of questions can satisfy originality and flexibility, in stark contrast with fluency and elaboration. Exploring individual differences in question generation unveiled that the low-, medium-, and high-achieving learners' question quality differs significantly in terms of importance, cognitive levels, fluency, flexibility, and elaboration.
起訖頁 51-98
關鍵詞 內容分析出題表現學生出題學習成就差異國小社會領域教學
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202105 (45期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 不同背景高中生的學生角色知覺之分析比較
該期刊-下一篇 國民中小學學習共同體運作評估指標系統之建構:學習領導之觀點




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