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On the Melancholy of Mothers Today Exemplified with Ingmar Bergman's Autumn Sonata
作者 陳宜惠
本篇論文欲探討女性成為母親後所遭遇的憂鬱之現象、歷程與意義。在逐漸重視各種心理精神症狀的當代,女性也得以自其心靈角落深處走出來,但由於在各種人際關係中,最終難免回溯至與母親的關係,因此母親自身的憂鬱更需被單獨的提出來深入研究。母親的憂鬱指向了複雜的源由,雖然有基於各種理論科學所做的診斷治療,卻不能因此而放棄自我療癒的契機與可能性。故將藉由柏格曼的經典電影《秋光奏鳴曲》中深刻的母女影像放大憂鬱的時空脈絡,以精神分析與社會文化批評之多重角度來檢視電影中母親的層層憂鬱,並向外擴及到更多現實環境中的母親所遇到的困境與障礙。在揭露了難以被表達的母親憂鬱同時,筆者也試圖回歸其本質並重新轉化,有如茱莉亞.克莉絲提娃(Julia Kristeva)將憂鬱比喻成太陽雖然被遮蔽變得晦暗,還是能夠輻射光芒。雖然當今各種開放與倡議充溢,但是母親的孤獨與疲憊仍無可避免,幸而「母親」一直在流變且有著無比的創造力,並且她的身體總以不可迴避之姿,在憂鬱的當下現出,以真誠的感覺與動作敲著警鐘,提醒著生命沒有一天停止讓人驚艷。在重新爬梳母性肉身感與熱情的論述中,希冀母親除了能如其所是的關照自身,亦能不斷更新其主體性,當承受創傷痛苦時,能透過實踐與覺察的交融,在狂躁與抑鬱間安然凝聚母性的昇華能量。
This study explores the phenomena, processes, and meanings of melancholy that women encounter while being mothers. In the contemporary era, where psychological symptoms are gradually being emphasized, women have also been able to emerge from the depths of their souls. However, since the relationship with the Mother is the origin of all other relationships, the mother's melancholy should be independently addressed for further research. The reasons for mothers' melancholy are complex, although there are diagnoses and therapies based on research theories and medical science, the possibilities and chances of self-healing cannot be abandoned. Therefore, the melancholic space-time context will be expanded upon the profound images of the mother and daughters in the classic film Autumn Sonata , directed by Ingmar Bergman. From the perspectives of psychoanalysis and sociocultural criticism, it examines the layers of mothers' melancholy and extends to the dilemmas and obstacles encountered by mothers in the real environment. As Julia Kristeva compared melancholy to the black sun still radiating from the eclipse, mothers' melancholy that is difficult to express will not only be revealed but could also be transformed by returning to the essence. When openness and advocacy are flooded, mothers continue to feel weak and lonely. Fortunately, mothers are always in the state of becoming and have incomparable creativity. Moreover, their bodies always appear in the melancholic moment to warn about the value of life with real feelings and actions. This study invokes the maternal passion and corporeality discourses to expect mothers to care for themselves as they are and renew their subjectivity constantly. While suffering from melancholy, the energy of maternal sublimation can finally be slowly accumulated through the interweaving practices and awareness.
起訖頁 63-94
關鍵詞 母性的熱情母親肉身感秋光奏鳴曲憂鬱
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202012 (2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 「藝術介入」的意涵與在地脈絡
該期刊-下一篇 重複美學研究:神話文本中的編織史




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