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An Examination of the Principle of Equality in the Educational Law for Rural Areas in Taiwan
作者 曾大千葉靜輝 (Ching-Hui Yeh)葉盈君
Geographically disadvantaged due to living in the rural area is one of the disadvantaged groups as defined in the Constitution of the Republic of China. As a result, their status as educationally disadvantaged is also widely recognized in academic discourse. In recent years, along with the development of the educational law, the direction of constructing a legal system related to geographically disadvantaged has become definite. Yet, in contrast to the clear definition in Offshore Islands Development Act and Hualien and Taitung Area Development Act, most educational law still adopts the relatively abstract and undefined term “rural or special area,” which is actually disadvantageous to the planning and legal development of education in rural areas. Additionally, although the current educational law regarding rural areas, in terms of budget, personnel, organization and favor for those pursuing further studies, meets the principle of equality in law such as fairness and justice, it still takes the making of policies to construct a concrete legal system in order to promote equal opportunities in education and talent development.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 人才發展地域弱勢教育機會均等偏鄉教育talent developmentgeographically disadvantagedequal educational opportunitieseducation in rural areas
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202109 (2021:9期)
該期刊-上一篇 論多元文化教育之憲法基礎及其於我國原住民族法制之體現
該期刊-下一篇 從著作權法論中小學教師任職期間著作之權利歸屬




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