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Examining the Education for the Disadvantaged in the Law: Multicultural Perspectives
作者 陳炫任曾大千
This paper explores education law in Taiwan as it relates to disadvantaged groups, from the perspective of curriculum and multicultural education. Theoretically, in order to help disadvantaged groups participate equally in modern society, the applicable education laws should be made more responsive to the precepts of multicultural education. In fact, in addition to government financial subsidies, education law in Taiwan to some extent does take into consideration the needs of disadvantaged groups in terms of curriculum regulations. Yet, whether the curriculum content and framework are appropriate for these groups deserves further explorations. This paper first defines the disadvantaged groups and examines the connotations of multicultural education. It then synthesizes the relevant literature to formulate models of multicultural curriculum and instruction, including the models of academic excellence, contribution-additive, transformation, and social action. This is followed up by a discussion of education law in Taiwan related to educating the disadvantaged, i.e., aboriginal groups, the physically or mentally disabled, and females. This section includes further analysis of the multicultural curriculum and instructional models compiled earlier. The paper concludes with suggestions for future modifications to the law regarding the education for the disadvantaged. The study also has implications for curriculum design and instructional practice in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 多元文化教育弱勢者教育教育機會均等課程模式multicultural educationeducation for the disadvantagedequal educational opportunitycurriculum model
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202109 (2021:9期)
該期刊-上一篇 我國課程規範與教科書制度之法令分析
該期刊-下一篇 論多元文化教育之憲法基礎及其於我國原住民族法制之體現




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