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Way of Rice Production: an Transformation of Taiwan's Rice Production Villages during Last 30 Years
作者 王乃雯
Production of rice in Taiwan was restricted by the government for a long time. However, after 1980's, Taiwan's government actively participated in free trade organizations, and this action made possible the selling of foreign agricultural foods under lower tariffs in Taiwan. Cheaper foreign agricultural foods and the transition of Taiwan's dietary customs impacted the production of rice. Lots of challenges occurring after the 1980's pushed the government to adjust its policy of purchasing rice at a guaranteed price, and this was the most influential governmental action in stabilizing rice planting villages since 1974. The policy also impacted the allocation of resources in rural society and helped local rice mills and dealers to build up their force, which also made doomed the reforms from the central government to failure. The government tried to overcome the problem by organizing farmers to deal with the market in unity, but organization combing production and selling caused lots of troubles due to its obscured legal status. The local government, by setting up a new rule of certifìcating the origin of rice, gave farmers a basic platform to sell their products, but this also accelerated the process of farmers' individualization. To take a view of the development of rice farmers during last 30 years, it is not hard to find that the role of central government changed from vigorous intervention to passive integration, which looks like a neutral process but in fact, under the requirements of free trade organization, the government has become a helper in allowing farmers to adjust to the marketplace.
起訖頁 265-307
關鍵詞 稻作農村轉型「不完全」商品市場化臺灣農業Transformation of Rice Production VillageIncomplete CommodityMarketizationTaiwan Agriculture
刊名 思與言  
期數 202106 (59:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「一例一休」兩次修法下的加班費問題──以立法論為中心




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