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Changes in the ''Regional Order'' Discourses of Masamichi Royama
作者 曾寶滿
The influence of social thought on regionalism in prewar Japan has been generally dismissed so far. But a few scholars began to pay much attention to the importance of social liberalism and corporatism concerning the political relations in Showa Japan. Taking sides with that trend, this article is focused on Royama Masamich's changes in discourse of international relations in interwar Japan. During the Sino-Japanese War, Royama's discourses on regional order was based on the speculation on functionalism and Ferdinand Tönnies' community (Gemeinschaft) theory. Royama, believing that East Asians can possess a common culture by creating policy-oriented institutions, wished to innovate and reconstruct international order in East Asia. In Royama's ''East Asia Cooperative Community'' theory, this community should overcome the negative effects of imperialist governance and nationalist sentiment. Finally, in 1938, this theory was embodied in the Empire's official discourse to explain the reasons for the Sino-Japanese War. However, as the war got worse, this theory decreased the part of introspection for imperialism and lose the patience for multiculturalism and nationalism.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 區域主義東亞協同體反西方主義共同態RegionalismEast Asia Cooperative CommunityAnti-WesternismGemeinschaft
刊名 思與言  
期數 202106 (59:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 日本民俗學對文化財保護政策制定的影響:以民俗資料分類為例




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