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A Study of the Service Quality And Satisfaction of the Digital Opportunity Centers at Nantou County
作者 吳佩儒
隨著資訊與通訊科技(Information and Communication Technologies,簡稱ICTs)的快速發展與廣泛應用,數位經濟已與人民生活密切相連,而政府為消弭數位落差以均衡城市與偏鄉的數位應用,於我國偏遠鄉鎮地區設置數位機會中心,結至2014年底為止,目前仍在營運之數位機會中心尚有130間。本研究旨在探討南投縣數位機會中心使用者對於數位機會中心的服務品質認同度以及滿意度,本研究採以Parasuranan, Zeithaml, and Berry所提出服務品質概念,設計服務品質量表,以問卷方式進行非隨機抽樣,研究對象為南投縣8間仍在營運的數位機會中心使用者。1.研究結果發現,南投縣數位機會中心使用者對於數位機會中心服務品質,具有正向的認同度,然而,服務品質會受數位機會中心之開放時間、個人資訊應用能力及基本資訊素養呈現正相關,並提出下列幾點建議:2.南投縣數位機會中心在硬體設備的提供其學員的需求,但應注意「對於教室座位安排舒適性」。3.多數學員對於「數位機會中心開放的時間」感到不夠滿意,故在規劃教育訓練課程的內容時,盡量安排適當的上課時間。4.未來可依學員的程度分別開設適合的基礎班或進階班課程,以滿足不同電腦相關先備知識的學員之需求。5.依不同特質的學員,規劃及開設不同的課程。
With the rapid development of information and communication technology, people are getting more and more rely on the Internet in daily life. The government sponsored Digital Opportunity Center at the remote village areas is a possible approach to shrink the digital divide in rural areas, and create digital opportunity. The main purpose of this research is to find out the recognition of students of the Digital Opportunity Centers at Nantou County based on service quality and satisfaction. The method of this study adopts the questionnaire of the service quality, and it based on PZB model of service quality and customer satisfaction. The results reveal that the users of the centers at Nantou County reacted positively to the service quality of the centers. The suggestions based on this study are shown as the following: 1. The provision of hardware equipment by the centers meet the needs of the users, but more attention should be paid to improve the ''comfort of seating arrangements''. 2. The center should make appropriate arrangement whenever the class is rescheduled. 3. According to the level of the students, the center should set up basic classes and advanced classes according to students' level. 4. The center should plan and set up different courses depend on different students' characteristics.
起訖頁 93-120
關鍵詞 數位落差數位機會中心服務品質滿意度PZB模式Digital DivideDigital Opportunity Centerservice qualitycustomer satisfactionPZB model
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201603  (19期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國酒駕致死交通事故研究──以司法判決為例
該期刊-下一篇 《公門菜鳥飛:一個年輕公務員的革新理想》




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