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Exploring the Relationship between Media Use and Political Knowledge in the Digital Era: A Comparative Analysis among Internet and Non-internet Users
作者 張鐙文莊文忠
Political knowledge is closely related to the quality of democracy, which not only implies the citizen's recognition to political affairs but their ability to evaluate the political world as well as the foundation to the quality of citizen involvement. Interestingly, citizens discover different paths to capture political knowledge, particularly in the 21(superscript st) century where the benefit of information communication technology has equipped the mass media with ability of information dissemination, providing the citizens with more convenient, various and immediate political news and resulting in major impacts in the dissemination of political knowledge. In other words, the boom of dissemination media also creates a rich information environment for the citizens, which not only substantially improves the information content and quality but also increases the freedom for citizens in terms of information choices. The citizens may even become the information providers instead of information recipient, contributing to a more significant discussion from the context on the media use and political knowledge of citizens. For this reason, the purpose of the study aims to explore the correlation between the use of media and the political knowledge in citizens, with focus on the internet and non-internet users to compare and analyze the impact from media use on political knowledge.The study concluded with several assumptions between the media use and political knowledge from relevant literature, followed by adopting the data from”Taiwan Social Change Survey”implemented by the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica in 2008 with verification. The study drew important discoveries as described below: 1. There is a significant difference for internet and non-internet user in terms of demographic structure, media use and political knowledge. 2. The same media use variables for explaining the effect on the political knowledge between the groups of internet and non-internet user are not completely the same, indicating that these two groups not only different in terms of demographic structure, media use and political knowledge but even affect the explanatory effects for demographic structure media use on political knowledge. 3. Internet user have characteristics in”high media use and low modular explanation”while the user of emerging media contains low correlation with the acquisition of political knowledge. 4. The relationship between the media use and political knowledge of internet user become more complex, which could possibly be interfered with media use on the explanatory ability of changes in political knowledge due to specific user preference on certain issues or subject to effect from incorrect information.
起訖頁 65-90
關鍵詞 政治知識媒介使用行為媒介暴露媒介注意媒介參與階層迴歸political knowledgemedia usemedia exposuremedia attentionmedia participationhierarchical multiple regression
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201203  (15期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 醫院經營自費醫療服務之實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 五都時代臺中市提升國際競爭力策略分析:全觀型治理觀點




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