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A Study of Related Issues Seen in the Different Versions of the''Unified Nation of the Han Dynasty''in the''Cangjie Articles''Unearthed
作者 許文獻
In terms of the '' Cangjie articles'' unearthed today, the Qin edition and the Master's book are still the main sources of the edition. Especially with the publication of Peking University, British Tibetan and Shuiquanzi the development trajectory of this book and even the seven-character version (revised version of the Master Li) can be said to be increasingly clear. Through the interpretation of the glyphs and contents seen in various texts, the possible revisions between these editions can be seen. Therefore, this article intends to study the ''Han and the World'' section from the unearthed '' Cangjie Pian'', which has been the most discussed in the academic circles, with the following questions: First, to clear up doubts about the interpretation of the variant sentences seen in the following paragraphs of ''Han and the world, and the domestic toilets''. Second, to discuss the relevant doubts of the chapters 8 and 9 of the ''Han Jian'' of the '' Cangjie articles'' of Peking University: (1) The relationship between its glyphs and Qin characters. (2) Interpretation of the words such as ''Han and the world'', ''Hu Wu Jiao Lei'', ''Rong Di'', ''Bai Yue'', ''Shi Duan Xiu Fa'' and ''''. Third,To discuss the revision of the ''Han and the World'' section of unearthed '' Cangjie Chapter''.
起訖頁 85-126
關鍵詞 出土《蒼頡篇》秦系文字異文閭里書師漢兼天下Unearthed ''Cangjie articles''Qin charactersvariant textsFolk teacherUnified Nation of the Han Dynasty
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202012 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 章太炎及劉師培論「文章」與「彣彰」的學術史意義──自《說文》段《注》談起
該期刊-下一篇 精整而有氣機──論夢窗詞對偶之運用




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