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Cultural Intelligence and Human Feeling——The Theme and Life style of Yu Guangzhong’s''Family where the sun never set''
作者 黃雅莉 (Huang Ya-Li)
Yu Guangzhong is an essayist with theoretical construction. He puts forward the creative concept of both intellectuality and sensibility. In literary creation, with the opposite and complementarity of intellectuality and sensibility it has a lively and vivid aesthetic expression. This thesis intends to analyze the relationship between his creation practice and theory from Yu Guangzhong’s masterpiece ''Family where the sun never set'', to explore the rational and emotional connotation of Yu Guangzhong’s prose, and to appreciate the rich humanity and life style of Yu Guangzhong, and the inner charm of his humorous attitude. From the full text of the discussion, it can be seen that Yu Guangzhong's creative personality in his later years is the most vivid manifestation in the book ''Family where the sun does not fall''. It has both the philosophical understanding of ''cultural intelligence'' and the life experience of ''human feelings''. Through daily life, thinking and deep observation of the soul, and through the exploration of art, it shows the emotion and rationality in prose. Deep and rigorous, no loss of humorous.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 余光中現代散文知性感性日不落家Yu Guangzhongmodern proseintellectualitysensibilityFamily where the sun never set
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202006 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-下一篇 歸本思維力系統的語文教材文本分析




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