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Research on Song Lian's Perspectives on Civil Service and Reclusive Life in Long Men Zi Ning Dao Ji
作者 林怡君 (I-Chun Lin)
Song lian is one of the reputable Confucians between the Yuan and Ming dynasty, and most scholastic researches merely focused on his Confucian theory. What the essay aims to discuss is Song lian's choice between serving as a government official and living as a hermit, and how he pursued his lifelong ideal and affirmed his own fixed position when failing to find an ideal official career. Song lian decided to live as a recluse in the last period of the Yuan dynasty, and wrote the book, Long Men Zi Ning Dao Ji, which is a famous fable. The book includes his academic thoughts, his perspectives on the civil service and reclusive life, and the mood of having unrecognized talents. Therefore, Long Men Zi Ning Dao Ji is a significant work for studying Song lian's perspectives on the civil service and reclusive life. This essay aims to analyze Song lian's principles and complex psychology while confronting with such a tough choice. As a hermit on recluse, Song lian practiced the Confucianism so as to govern his life and live in peace􀇹meanwhile, he also exerted his lifelong value by passing down Confucianism.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 宋濂龍門子凝道記仕隱觀Song lianLong Men Zi Ning Dao Jiperspectives on civil service and reclusive life
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 201607 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-下一篇 新編豫劇《劉姥姥》與原著小說之較析




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