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The Multi-area Communication Phenomena of Contemporary Sionphone Literary Publication in Macau
作者 余少君
After the 1980s, Macau literary communication pass through literary publishing to create the model of Macau literature, and compete with other media in their attempt to become the mainstream forces on Macau literary. For example, ''Macao Daily News Publishing House'', especially emphasis on prose and fiction. Fundação Macau has the main focus on literary collections, for finishing Macau literature data, and published more widely in subject matter. As for the literary community aspects, such as ''Associação dos Escritores de Macau'' and ''May Poets Society'' is actively published their literary magazine, firstly, in order to consolidate the status of modern poetry, and secondly, to present some kind of complete literary life. Secondly, the phenomena of self-published have begun to emerge, such as Wei Ming and Yi Ling’s collection of poems. However, the most important thing is, whether it is a newspaper, government agencies, private literary community and other literary works, often published by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places. Therefore, multi-area publishing phenomenon on Macau contemporary Sinophone literature, have gradually formed a competing literary field, and became the best example that let Macau truly away from''cultural desert''.
起訖頁 249-285
關鍵詞 澳門文學文學出版當代華文文學跨區域文學傳播Macau literatureLiterary CommunicationContemporary Sionphone LiteratureMulti-area Communication
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 201403 (25期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系




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