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The martial law era Buddhist Association of the organization and the evolution of power structures: To resume in Taiwan after the third to the eighth session as an example
作者 楊書濠
After Chinese government moved to Taiwan, Chinese Buddhism Association registered and resumed operation in 1950 and held 2nd convention for nationwide representatives at Shang-Dau temple in Taipei City in 1952. There were 8 conventions be held till 1978. After Chinese government moved to Taiwan The re-operation and development of Chinese Buddhism Association had passed 30 years. In respect of origination and authority, the member of representatives of convention was decided by bonzes that came from different China province and cities under material law in the early stage. But this method had generated many problems that increased the argument and disturbance among Chinese Buddhism Association. Besides, it changed the operation of 3rd and 8th convention, the rotation of managing director was assigned to manage the issues to solve internal disturbance. The internal faction in Chinese Buddhism Association was even more serious during 3rd election of managing director than 2nd time. So government and Guo-Ming Party intervened in the election and operation that enabled 2nd re-organization. Government and Guo-Ming Party not only intervened faction in Chinese Buddhism Association but also involved in personnel assignment during managing director election, especially for secretariat and managing directors. The action had resulted in big impact on the overall operation of Chinese Buddhism Association. Here below please find the interpretation of election process and important electee for 3rd and 8th managing direction election. The role and influence of personnel who was assigned by government and Cuo-Ming Party in Chinese Buddhism Association were discussed and clarified.
起訖頁 11-26
關鍵詞 戒嚴中國佛教會在台復會黨政運作派系鬥爭martial lawthe Chinese Buddhist AssociationTaiwan resumed the operation of party factionsthe struggle
刊名 北臺灣科技學院通識學報  
期數 201006 (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 綜論三家台灣佛教史研究及其當代性:從張巡、Charles Jones到江燦騰的書寫策略與研究發展
該期刊-下一篇 從《茗山日記》看文革以後中共的佛教政策




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