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The Choice: Lo Hsiang-lin Settled in Hong Kong and His Interpretation to the Features of Hong Kong after WWII
作者 區志堅
The year of 1949 marked and symbolized the vital development of modern Chinese intellectuals. Some scholars even suggested this year was the watershed of the development of the entire Chinese race. While some others believed that the political and cultural production mechanism in the 1950s laid the foundations of the literary culture of the second half of the twentieth century.“To look from the macro historical perspective, incidentally, it has become the destination of the most recent south migration of Chinese.”“Because of things happened in 1949, our world perspective no longer remained the same.”“After 1949, there was a new Taiwan and new Hong Kong.”“If events in 1949 never happened, the people in Hong Kong and Taiwan could ease their pain. There would not be a fled in Hong Kong and the Taiwanese would not be suffering from white terrorism.”Since the establishment of People's Republic of China dated on October 1, 1949, the former government representing China before 1949 officially settled in Taiwan to continue its sovereignty and governance. Those decided to leave mainland China in the 1950s, some settled in Europe or the United States where the greatest population was non-Chinese. Some chose to live with major Chinese population by migrating to Taiwan or Hong Kong. Quite a lot of intellectuals moved to Hong Kong temporarily at the beginning but ultimately settled here permanently. Regardless of their choices, contributing Hong Kong to become the center or a haven of intellectuals and capital in the 1950s and 60s. This essay attempts to take Lo Hsiang-lin, a Guomindang member who maintained a close relationship with the Guoming government, as a case study, to state the factors why historical scholars considering leaving mainland China and settling in Hong Kong permanently. Moreover, this essay also aims at exploring Lo's thoughts in terms of role playing in East Asia and status of Hong Kong. From Lo's point of view, hopefully, we understand more about why Guomindang members chose Hong Kong as a permanent living place.
起訖頁 181-204
關鍵詞 羅香林香港學術文化之新運三民主義1949年南渡Lo Hsiang-linThe new development of Hong Kong AcademyThree People's Principles1949 South Migration
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201803  (7期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 最後的訴求與迴聲:以五○年代香港第三勢力運動《聯合評論》為場域之分析
該期刊-下一篇 從新公開收購法制檢視賴源河、余雪明及賴英照相關學說




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