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Comparing Dunhuang Folk Ci and Peak Mid-term in the Tang Dynasty of the Literati Ci
作者 陶子珍
Dunhuang Manuscripts tunes Ci found, from the tone of the poem, content, and characteristics of the times presented, written in the“Peak-Tang Dynasty”period of the more. However, the ancient scholars of Dunhuang lyrics for research, the few folk Ci and literati Ci common discussion. So be prepared to peak and mid-Tang Dynasty literati Ci for range, on the characteristics of Dunhuang folk Ci in the theme content, style, sentence style and rhyming language, make a comparison. The literati poems in the mid-Tang period were mostly monotonous orders, the poems of the scholars in the Peak-Tang Dynasty and Middle Tang Dynasty are mostly monotonous short poems, tidy sentence, in the description of the level, not enough broad depth, to describe the emotion of the scene, showing subtle introverted style, in the text, then some more elegant beauty, less some vulgar smell. Dunhuang folk Ci at the beginning of creation, not limited to a fixed format, for the increase or decrease of the number of words, sentence changes are more free, the content theme is more rich and diverse, and not avoid vulgar language, save the northwestern voice of Gansu area and rhyme it based on it. The comparison between Dunhuang folk Ci and Peak-Tang Dynasty, Mid-Tang Dynasty literati Ci, reflects the folk Ci transition to the path of literary Ci, and laid the important position of Dunhuang folk Ci in the history of Ci study.
起訖頁 35-54
關鍵詞 敦煌民間詞盛唐中唐文人詞DunhuangFolk CiPeak-Tang DynastyMid-Tang DynastyLiterati Ci
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201803  (7期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 在複製的時代看書法臨摹及其可能
該期刊-下一篇 論明雜劇中的「扮裝」題材──以《女狀元》與《男王后》為比較劇本




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