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Research on Office English Communication Skills in Taiwan
作者 鄒偉基
Excellent English communication skills have become the basic criteria during job interviews. Fluent expressions in English are not only a plus at work but also broaden our visions globally. This study is based on research in a construction company. Reports at the end of 2013 by“104 Educational Information Website”showed that when recruiting either new sales reps or foreign labor liaisons, the number one qualification is proficiency in foreign languages, and English is considered to be the most important one with a 60% usefulness. To conduct a long-term office English interactive role-play program within white even blue collar labor forces can surly shorten the distance among employees, foreign clients, labors and Taiwan employers. A win-win communication goal for all parties will thus be achieved. Furthermore, if the authorities and entrepreneurs can work hand-in-hand and carry out effective subsidized programs, staff won't need to sign up for language tutoring classes after work; instead, with these creative English communication working environments, employees can practice office English back-to-back at work. In time, Taiwan industries can eventually become top-notch globalized companies in the world.
起訖頁 317-342
關鍵詞 辦公室英文職場英文社交英文商用英文角色扮演及情境演出Office EnglishVocational (workplace) EnglishSocial EnglishBusiness Englishrole playssituational teaching
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201604  (5期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 探討大專生性別平等議題融入學科教學活動設計之研究
該期刊-下一篇 音響與聽覺效果:增益筆電外接袖珍型喇叭音量研究




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