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Visualizing the Conditions of Calligraphy Writing
作者 林慶文
That language is socially acquired explains humans' pragmatic experience of using language and their instinct to imitate others' utterance. What is implied hereby is the communicative nature of language. As a linguistic sign, the Chinese character is featured by its combination of both signifying and iconic systems. Its interpretation depends primarily on the sensuous organ of“the eye.”In the epoch of mechanical reproduction, the impact of visual consumption is definitely tremendous. So far as the variation of calligraphy writing is concerned, the change in aesthetics only accounts for one of the reasons. This paper addresses the issues arising from a reconsideration of calligraphy writing in its contemporary context. First, both calligraphy writing and the object it refers to in the material world need to be perceived by the eye. Hence, the meaning of visuality and materiality as involved in the character and the object is to be grasped. Second, since the change of the character in its form is always preceded by thinking, the change of calligraphy writing means that of thinking in an explicit manner. Here comes the new way one reads as his/her eyeballs move differently, and then that change also results in his/her understanding the character differently. If the change occurs in a piece of writing, communication problems arise. To illustrate this, writings by Wen-xing Wang will be taken as examples. Third, as the trend of calligraphy writing suggests, material consumption has involved with sensual perceptions other than visuality. Material consumption that resorts to sensual perceptions as the absolute meaning helps validate the concept that“art produces consumers.”Nevertheless, in the endless reproduction of writing for consumption, what always remains problematic is the subjectivity of the consumer, which is the final issue that the author attempts to bring up in the paper.
起訖頁 3-33
關鍵詞 書法視覺物質書寫條件消費性書寫calligraphyvisualitymaterialityconditions of calligraphy writingwriting for consumption
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201604  (5期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 李安電影中的戲劇假扮──以《色│戒》為例




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