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Modeling Predictors of Green Food and Beverage Behaviors of the key person preparing foods for family
作者 王瑤芬姜懿玲
Home is an important place for educating eating behaviors of family. Many researches have examined green practices of restaurants and consumption intention of consumers toward to green restaurants, but are still lack on exploring green food and beverage (GFB) behaviors of the key person such as housewife who is responsible for the preparation of meals for family. This study aimed at understanding GFB behaviors of the key person preparing foods in family, as well as investigating the crucial factors that influence on GFB behaviors of them. This study adopted questionnaire survey and obtained 270 valid married samples by purposive sampling. According to the results of data analysis, GFB behaviors of these key persons should be strengthened, and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model can well explain the GFB behaviors of them. Furthermore, adding the“awareness of contextual factors”as a new predictor to the TPB model significantly increased 4.4% of the explanatory power of the original model. Attitude regarding GFB and Perceived behaviour control of GFB are mediated the awareness of contextual factors to influence on GFB behaviors. Finally, some recommendations were made to improve GFB behaviors of these key persons preparing family meals, and suggestions were made for further studies.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 環境永續餐飲綠色消費家庭飲食計畫行為理論Environmental sustainabilityFood and beverageGreen consumptionFamily mealsTheory of planned behavior
刊名 觀光旅遊研究學刊  
期數 201706 (12:1期)
出版單位 銘傳大學觀光學院
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