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The Model of Transferring the Traditional Paper-cut Shou (壽) Character into Cultural Product Design
作者 張子強
The cultural content of traditional Chinese papercutting is profoundly influenced by philosophical thinking. The combination of text and patterns creates a unique art style and form. However, as a modern art as well as design trend and theme, it should have more diverse and a wider range of innovation and applications. In view of this, the motivation lies in how to extract cultural connotation elements from modern design applications to add value to a product and make it more meaningful and valuable. The research method is the literature analysis method. By generalizing and integrating relevant literature analyses, the ''model of transferring the paper-cut Shou character into cultural value-added design'' was concretely and comprehensively established. The purpose is to validate papercutting as the design objective and set the Shou character as the object, in order to extract the cultural connotation element and further set the cultural attribute as a transfer step; the product design model procedure is used as an application, and the given cultural value-added product design is the result. Finally, the experience was transferred into future knowledge application results. The research results show: with the causal relationship between the traditional papercut ''Shou'' character and the design model as well as the guide by the logical steps, and based on product planning in three levels: appearance (outer); behavior (mid); and psychology (inner), the cultural connotation elements can be gradually extracted to smoothly transfer into cultural value-added product design. The contribution of the design model application results will not only deeply implant culture into product content, but will also be the basis of the design and give connotation to the creation. The integration and application of these aspects will bring about more innovative and meaningful future product design.
起訖頁 381-393
關鍵詞 傳統剪紙剪紙壽字轉換屬性設計模式 Traditional PapercuttingPaper-cut Shou (壽)Transfer AttributeDesign Model
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 居民對於住宅環境及室內設計偏好研究
該期刊-下一篇 老虎圖像探討與造形創作——以漫畫角色「虎姑婆」造形為例




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