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The 157 native landscape tree species recommended jointly by experts as suitable for urban forest in Taiwan
作者 邱清安藍梁文徐憲生陳韋志楊佳蓉
There are more than 4,000 species of native plants in Taiwan. It is essential to provide a reference list of fewer and practically applicable species to facilitate the promotion of native trees in urban forests. To establish the list of native species for Taiwan's urban forest, we formulated a framework for tree species selection, and establish a complete list of 1,397 species, from which a usable list of 91 species , a recommended list of 157 species, and a verified list of 32 speices were further categorized. The recommended list is the main result presented in this article, and it is also the most important reference list of Taiwan's urban forests in the future. The list of the recommended tree species were generated by votes of more than 1/2 of the 109 experts based on the usable list and approved. The list included 157 species such as Elaeocarpus decipiens, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Zelkova serrata, Gordonia axillaris, Barringtonia racemosa. During the selection process of tree species, we found that familiarity of native plants by landscape practitioners is the most important aspect that need to be enhanced in the future; moreover, common landscape books used often by landscape practitioners did not include 33 sutiable plant species such as Styrax formosana, Bretschneidera sinensis, Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma. In the future, we suggest that a recommended list of urban forests of major cities in each region should be established by considering the suitability and local environmental of each tree species, and progressivly improve the seedlings availability of these native trees, and enhance the landscape practitioner's familiarity with native plants and related knowledge of maintenance.
起訖頁 113-146
關鍵詞 臺灣都市林景觀原生樹種種類選擇Taiwanurban forestlandscapenative tree speciesspecies selection
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202109 (43:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣產天門冬科綿棗兒之核型研究




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