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The relationship between the lifestyle of pub beer consumers and brand attitude
作者 王俊人張家揚
The main point in this study is that if consumers who have different lifestyles make different beer brand attitude in Pub. This study adopts convenient sampling in Pub. There are 120 respondents and this study screens null questionnaires, and the effective respondents are 98. Moreover, to control the effect of pub promotion, this study samples the young consumers who often go to pubs. There are 211 respondents and screen null questionnaires, and the effective respondents are 200.This study clusters two lifestyles. The first one is fashion lifestyle, and these young consumers’ characteristics are tracing fashion and paying attention to novelty. Furthermore, they identify themselves by consuming products. The second is stable lifestyle, and these young consumers’ characteristics are planning everything and used to consume the same thing. This study use repeated measure design to analyze whether the consumers having different lifestyles make different beer brand attitudes. This study founds that young consumers have the best brand attitudes with Heineken and Taiwan beer is placed the second position in young consumers’ minds. For different lifestyles, fashion and novelty young consumers love Heineken much more than Taiwan beer, but there is no difference between these two brands in the heart of stable young consumers. Moreover, fashion and novelty young consumers have higher brand attitudes with Kirin beer than Miller and Tsingtao. In other words, Kirin beer is placed third position in fashion and novelty young consumers’ minds. On the contrary, stable young consumers like Kirin beer more than Taiwan beer. Young consumers having different lifestyle make different beer brand attitudes. Therefore, this study suggests beer firms have to segment young consumers by lifestyles. In pub, there are two target markets which are fashion and stable young consumers. When beer firms choose the target market, the next step is building young consumers’ perceived brand attitudes.
起訖頁 56-68
關鍵詞 品牌態度生活型態brand attitudelifestylepub
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 200812 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市民運動態度、運動體驗及運動環境滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 書介:策略運動傳播




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